Saturday 30 April 2011


Dearest Casey already gone :'(

 You know I love you .

Sunday 17 April 2011


Congratulation to Jennifer Lopez again ! 
She's the1st in the  top 15 of People's 100 Most People lists ! (I'm happy like a baby)
She's really gorgeous and great artist. I love her song and I think you guys too
Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull - on the floor .

cool rite?

Yea. I wanna clubbing

And , see this !

Every year, PEOPLE publishes their most anticipated list of the year- the 100 Most Beautiful People in Hollywood. We bring you the top 15, culled from the ranks of the most aesthetically pleasing celebs out there. Who rules the roost though? Well, that's none other than Jennifer Lopez, the subject of a million high school conversations consisting almost exclusively of the phrase,''She's hot."Jenny from the block, you've definitely conquered our hearts. Check out for more nominees!

For more information, pls click this:

Friday 15 April 2011

Rock @ roll

Yeah ! American Idol time again ! (rocks)
Yesterday I watched the show again and I felt so great because of they performs better and better every week. 
Yes , this week , the most I love is Lauren Alaina  !!!
She's only 16teen but her voice is damn sweet and beautiful !

Lets see her performance last night :)
tadaaaa .. ♥
Nice wat?

I love her dress, her make-up, her hair style and the song too ! 
American Idol 10 just left the two girls, Haley and Lauren, I hope they will make their good performance and try hard until the end. Pls don't let them out of American Idol ! Kindly vote them !!!!

Short post , but I hope you guys will like it :) 

p/s; I started to miss Pia Toscano :-(  
 U must see this ! 
turn on your speaker, with the top volume and listen it properly !! 
She;s really amazing ! Absolutely Genius !!!!

Dear Pia, 
We'll always miss you!!!!!!

Don't Break my heart.

也许是 华语比较贴切
最近真的很烦  烦很多东西  有很多东西需要我去仔细思考
如果我没有做错事  我不会和你道歉  如果我做错事  我一定和你道歉 这是我的做人原则
如果我和你道歉了你不接受 那是你小气  不是我的问题

我是那种你对我好 我就对你好的人 你对我不好  我就会和你翻脸
即使你是我最好的姐妹 也一样  懂吗?
你说我没有顾及你的感受  你呢?
你没想过在我说你什么的时候  以前你也曾经做过这样的事?
还有 请不要说话拐弯抹角  我很迟钝  我不懂你要什么
不要就说  不用弯来弯去 说一大堆理由  
你要的是什么  你不直说 我怎么懂?你要知道我很笨
不敢说?为什么?我会像是那种为了这点事觉得难过 hurt吗?对不起  我的心很宽大
我不是圣人 不会明白你心里要的是什么 所以请你直话直说 不要就不要 要就要  不需要找一大堆借口来遮掉的 
你说  我有逼你去做吗?是不是你自己不懂得拒绝?是不是?是的话就不要再说我care你的感受
你总会觉得我的错 有想过你自己怎样吗?

我真的  宁愿什么都不想管了 也什么都不想说
对你  我不知道怎样面对你  怎样对待你  怎样才算是有关心你的感受
你要怎样就怎样  我不会再管
因为讲太多 就是我是那个坏人.

我很坚强 但还是会哭的


再这样 我会微笑着歧视你 :) 

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Apologize .

Well . 
Today was an unhappy day too. 
Firstly, I know thats my fault . But I'm just trying to let you know my idea. 
Maybe the way I talk was wrong , like I'm forcing you. 
Anyway , no need apologize to me. I'm just , hurt . 

Lady, pls talk to me if you felt any problem abt my attitude.
Don't wait until others to tell me , its too late. I felt shame and this is not the important . The most important thgs is I felt so hurt you know ?
You're my best friend, I wanna you happy and me too!
Any problem , just say out ! Don't be shy , and think that this is a respect for me , okay ?
I know , I cant changed you , but I can changed myself.
So , I'll try to change myself nicely , and I hope you too. 

We both are nice together , isn't it ?
We talked abt fashion , cosply , anime and more more thgs ! So , pls dont do that again.

If not , I think I'll be like this 

cute rite ?Hah XD

Kay , lets forget abt those upset thgs ! 
I wanna share somethgs to you guy ! abt Cosplay !!!
yeah ! amazing theme rite ? I think someone who in love with anime will like this post laaa .
I hope to act the Luka Megurine in <Vocaloid> !
She's damn gorgeous and sexy. (Heh , I dont think I'm sexy enough x) ) 
I love her since today , because of Lady FishYeeYee ♥ !

FishYeeYee love Hastune Miku. 

Yeah , she's cute ! :) 

My Luka Megurine !

pretty ???? 

Monday 11 April 2011

Sorry :'(

Hmm , for the information , thats no stay tuned for the post of yesterday !
Sorry abt it , because my memory card get some problem and cant repair it .  
Haizz , I know its my fault . So , kill me (sayonara)

I'm a girl who like to try somethg new. important thg is style .
Yea , recently, I hope to change my hair style . But , my hair are too short enough !  
Like this, nice rite ?
This kind of hair style is damn famous in Japan. I saw almost all the Japan girl have this hair cut. 

Or , somethg like this ? 
Hah , its must wait for the day I graduate. 

Well , you know ?
I hate myself now , and my life too .
Don't ask me why , because thats no reason . And if got the reason , I think is - JANE IS TOO BAD. 
Hmm , I'll keep moving on myself to make a greatest effort in my life ! And the most important thing is, to change myself. Especially is the attitude  

Okay , its time to say goodbye 
Thxs for your patient to read my post . ILY

P/s ; I spent my money on the purchase at SASA 
        Wonderful time in SASA. I love it so much. 

Sunday 10 April 2011


Hello readers . 
Sorry that I've been long long time dint update new thg here .

You know ? I'm so furious abt thgs that Happened in this week .
Yea. I had a sleepless night on Monday !okay . No doubt . its real . 
you know that how much terrible that , tired but cnt rest ? 
Its insomnia
I'm 15teen , this's the 1st time I get insomnia , and the most curious thing is , its just for one day.
Haiz , too bad .

Errm , I'm so sad about , why someone always simply throw me into the dustbin ?
Can I know why ?  Am I did something wrong to  you ? No , I tried my best to make you happy and , let you felt that that was someone loved you . 

Nowadays , I bought somethgs new. 
CHANNEL handbag . HAH , that's fake
Sorry , that's no  picture to show to you . Actually I had took mny photo , but its somethg wrong abt my Memory Card. So , NO PIC. ( I'll try to upload it :D )

pls waiting for me & my pictures ! :) 

think that this post is ended ? 
hah , nope ! 
I got somethg to talk to you guys . Abt . American Idol ! 

well , the unbelievable result let us down . 
She was not in American Idol 10 again . 
AHHHHHH , I cant accept this you know ? Cant Believe ! 
But she's really a good singer. She's sexy and I love her so much . 
So Pia , make the greatest effort for us again ! I wanna see that the most beautiful and amazing Pia again on the stage ! 

ILY !!! really . 
goobye darling .

Friday 8 April 2011

Saturday 2 April 2011

Thia Megia - "Daniel" (Elton John Week) American Idol Top 11

I watched <American Idol> yesterday on 8tv .
Well , the result really made me crazy and I cant believe whats going on !
The national votes are really unfair for them.
Actually Thia Megia is not my favorite, but my dad.
Since I watched <American Idol> untill now , I felt that she's a good singer.
And , the unbelievable thg is , she's only 15teen !!!
The youngest in season 10 Top 11 !!!

Hello , dear Thia .
I'm always envy that , why Thia Megia can sing so well ?
Although you're out , but we're always keep you in our heart.
Cheer up baby . and you know you're the best !!

see this ,

Song of<Daniel>(Elton John) present by Thia Megia .

Nice rite ?

I'm upset because of Thia Megia is not in the list of <American Idol season 10>  again .
But I'm proud with her, really .

So , ILY Thia
And , take care :) 

For More information of American Idol season 10 , click and view this :

Thats all , bye 

020411 ♥

嗨 这几篇文章都用英文啊   
因为我要让我的英文进步  所以就用blogging的方式去improve 我的英文 :)
哈 今天我起的特别早 大概是五点多
因为本来 是要和老妈去太平扫墓的 可是我懒啊(外公 请原谅我这个不孝孙)
不是啦 其实我有赖床的习惯
不过是来了十几分钟 他们就 走人了 害我一个人孤零零在客厅徘徊要怎么办
那么早 我要干啥?

第一时间 开电脑
还以为老爸在睡觉不会让我烦恼上网的时间 哪知道我家这破电脑也只会欺负我这弱女子 !
竟然给我 lagggggg  !!!
啊 算了
他妈的  宋承宪 真的他妈的帅气 !!! 
我下定决心要嫁给他 !!
最近山穷水尽了 所以晚上该去老爸的餐厅里帮工赚钱
我还有两百多块的减肥产品要买 !(不要误会 不是市场上那吃了会瘦 但害死人的减肥药)还有百多块的衣服钱要 还!还有那双该死美丽的鞋子要买!
啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊
疯 了 !

阿jane 我 该 加 加 油 啦  :D

anyway   分享下
my beloved song :)

p/s;;  今天是个不愉快的天 ;(
          But I'm happy a lot , because of my fringe ! They are long again  !!! 

I Love you all 

嗯 就这样吧  
bye :)